


Please find our writing instructions here:


    1. You can write about any topic ranging from current global issues to recent news and debatable topics but you should avoid topics that might be too sensitive or controversial.
    2. In general, we will not publish articles on repeat topics, so check our previous editions to see if someone has already written on your topic.
    3. Your article should be 500-700 words but it can be longer if necessary. However, please do not exceed 1,000 words, if you do, it will be part of our consideration against your article.
    4. Your article must include your sources. They will not be included in your word count.
    5. No AI use besides generating ideas is permitted in any articles submitted to us. In addition, we will not consider any subsequent papers submitted by those whose article was detected to have used AI before for any purpose other than generating ideas.
    6. From the 10th edition onwards, the submission deadline will be the 23rd of each month. An article submitted after that will have to go into the following month’s edition and you might have to wait a while to see it published.
    7. If submitting on google docs, please give permission to view and comment on your article so that our editors can give feedback.
    8. Common Mistakes
                 a. Grammar and spelling: Do basic proofreading before submitting. Your article may be well structured and interesting, but if it has typos it shows us that you did not really care.
                 b. We publish articles in a professional tone. Try not to make the writing in your article too casual, and make sure to follow professional writing conventions.
                 c. Pick a good topic: Make sure your topic is unique (our most common topics we receive are climate change and AI) and has some nuances for you to go into. Avoid topics that are common knowledge. Some examples of not so great topics would be: “The Effects of Climate Change” or “The Implications of AI” or “Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution”. Changing these into better topics could look like: “The Effects of Climate Change on Islands in the Pacific”, “The Implications of AI on the Job Market for Writers”, and “What Psychological Research Says on Getting People to Care About Pollution”.


    Global Platform for Youth Journalism