Matiss Hyenveux

Newspaper Writer

“My name is Matiss Hyenveux, I’m studying for my last year in Lycée Marguerite de Flandre of Gondecourt (France).

Truly passionate about History, I developed the love of learning, in all domains.

I’m seeking to study in as many countries as possible, maybe in Auckland, in Geneva, in Bruges, in Helsinki, to get a diversified knowledge, views and discover different ways to think and live. “Light comes from outside”, like I say sometimes.

I write since I know how to. When I was a little boy, I wrote some stories I shared with my friends. Step by step, I developed my style, and my writing skills, to become a poet and a novelist.

Seeing how politics are in difficult times in my country (and in others), seeing that people get elected because it’s like a job for them, not a devotion, I decided to involve myself in politics. Not to be another ‘politician’, but to make the world a bit better, to change society. I just can’t sit down and watch when I can participate. Because I think politics are not a movie to see, but a place to act, as people,” said Matiss Hyenveux.


His major achievements:

–             I wrote some poems (23 for now, but number isn’t important, is it?)

–             I finished my first novel (still searching a publishing house)

–             I created a History club during my last year at Hergé middle school.

–             I did interventions in History classes, especially about the Holy Roman Empire and the birth of Germany.

–             I’m organising a Europe forum in my high school for May 7.