Shaira Anjuman

Newspaper Writer
“Shaira Anjuman: Alevels Student from Dhaka, Bangladesh (in the top 1 percent of class); Aspiring Researcher in Stem Cell Biology. An award-winning (Gold Award in the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition) and published writer, Shaira nutrifies her creativity and critical thinking through writing about her interests and about various social issues in her country. Besides being an alumnus of the GHLC at JHU, working to mitigate scarcity in high school research in Bangladesh (sole Outreach Ambassador of the International Research Olympiad from Bangladesh), and handling the education department, outreach, and research work of international non-profits like the High School Health Forum, Global Health Reps, etc. which portray her leadership and passion towards global health and research, Shaira is a feminist activist, advocates for menstrual poverty, mental health, gender equity, and climate awareness through various non-profits, and is an avid public health volunteer.”